Does my story have potential?

Sometimes, a subject is unsure whether their story is publishable. More often, however, a subject knows his or her story has potential but doesn’t know how to structure it.

‘People keep telling me I should write a book about my experiences, but I don’t know where or how to start. How do I piece it all together?’ clients frequently ask. Nicola has interviewed people from all walks of life and has a natural instinct for the intriguing detail.

During a free consultation, she will ask the relevant questions to draw from you the best material to assess your story from all angles. She will identify your target audience, suggest where your writing project fits in the market, and gauge its commercial appeal. She will also flag any obvious legal issues and recommend the best options for your idea. For example, can your story carry the length of an 80,000-word memoir? Or would it make a 30,000-word e-book? Maybe your story would be best told as a feature in a magazine or newspaper? In blog form even? Whichever format your idea fits, Nicola will help you structure it into an engaging and compelling read.

How does the ghostwriting process work?

Once a client has decided to work with Nicola on their book idea, a collaboration agreement is signed. Nicola’s favourite aspect of being a ghostwriter – aside from the writing itself – is immersing herself in the role of capturing an author’s true voice, so much so that she begins to think, talk and act like that person.

Nicola takes great pride in drawing the best stories from authors and bringing their personalities to life on the page, allowing them to engage directly with their readers without any suspicion a ghost was present. To make this happen, Nicola will interview the author for at least 20 hours over several sittings.

She will then transcribe and print those recorded conversations and write a chapter plan. Often, Nicola will want to interview the author’s friends and family members who are part of his or her story. Sometimes she’ll ask for photographs or any necessary documents that support the author’s claims. Nicola will consult with the author at every stage while writing the book.

How long will it take to write my book?

This depends on the subject, the proposed length of the book, and the amount of research involved. However, an 80,000 to 90,000-word memoir will take between three to six months to complete. 

How much does it cost?

Again, this varies according to the type of project and amount of work involved. Please contact Nicola to discuss your story and options. 

So, you’re a ghostwriter…but why isn’t your name on the cover?

Ghostwriters are hired to write for authors in such a way that the text reads as though they have written it themselves. Therefore, ghosts don’t expect to be credited. However, it’s always nice when an author thanks you in their acknowledgements. Sometimes a ghost’s name will be credited on a book’s cover or title page, preceded by the words: ‘as told to’ or ‘with’. Nicola recognises that each story, in its own unique form, belongs to its author.