

From the Author

‘Nicola was absolutely fantastic to work with. She is a truly skilled ghostwriter who translated memories onto the page clearer than they are in my mind. I loved working with Nicola and thoroughly looked forward to each and every one of our sessions. She made the light-hearted days more fun and the times that were harder to talk about much easier to get through. A fantastic listener – and someone I now call a friend.’

Georgia Harrison
author of Taking Back My Power: Our Bodies. Our Consent


From the Author

‘‘Nicola worked intimately and intensely with me on my book. Ghostwriting is, I learnt, like method acting – Nicola spent months with me on Zooms and phone calls – interviews given, memories imparted, stories told, documents, records and old photographs shared, in order for her  to ‘become’ me for the duration of the book. Nicola became not only my co-author, but she listened and bore witness to my life story as a forced adoptee. She sensitively and empathically held space when the content became a little too much, but we also shared much laughter too and for all of the above, I am truly thankful to her.’

Liz Harvie
author of Unspoken


From the Author

‘Not only is Nicola an excellent writer, who draws the best from her subjects, but she is highly professional and a delightful person.’

Andrew Lownie
literary agent


From the Interviewee

‘Nicola handled our tragic story with utmost compassion. After our darling daughter Vicky Hamilton’s murder trial, we travelled up and down the country, visiting our dear friend, the late Ian McNicol, whose daughter Dinah was found buried alongside Vicky in a garden in Margate. Nicola was with us all the way, day and night – and shared our tears. She is a very heartfelt person who listens to what you have to say. She is a professional, highly experienced journalist with a big heart. We would recommend her to anyone.’ 

Michael and Christine Hamilton 


From the Interviewee

‘I have no hesitation in recommending Nicola Stow. Nicola was a great help to my family in a very distressing time. She not only wrote compassionately and fairly, but also offered support throughout the process and indeed after. With Nicola you get more than just a recorder of facts; you get the full package from someone with years of experience.’

Daniel McNicol

brother of murder victim Dinah McNicol

From the Agent

'Nicola is a wonderful ghostwriter. She is hard-working, thoughtful and dedicated, and always fosters great relationships with the authors she works with. I’ve worked with Nicola on two projects now and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her.’

Oscar Janson-Smith
literary agent at
Gleam Futures.


From the Author

'I loved working with Nicola. She’s incredibly patient, thoughtful and considerate. She guided me every step of the way, from our interviews to explaining the structure of the book and the writing process. I felt as though I was chatting to a friend; reliving my traumatic story with Nicola was therapeutic. She captured everything exactly as I told it to her, and more. She’s an incredible writer who put my book together so beautifully. I highly recommend Nicola .’

Bekhal Mahmod
author of No Safe Place: Murdered by our Father


From the Author

'I highly recommend Nicola as a ghostwriter. Working with Nicola on my book, Born Gangster, was a fantastic experience. Nicola captured my story - and voice - perfectly. Not only is she a brilliant writer, she's also a great listener - with a shedload of patience!'

Jimmy Tippett
author of Born Gangster


From the Crime Investigation Expert

‘I have known Nicola professionally for 14 years in my capacity of crime expert and investigator involved in high profile cases and media features. Nicola is an excellent very committed and motivated journalist with so many innovative ideas.’

David Swindle
former Senior Investigating Officer and crime investigator

Link to David’s site: http://www.davidswindle.com


From the Author

‘Nicola was recommended to me by my literary agent, Andrew Lownie. I’d never worked with a ghostwriter before and I was apprehensive at first, but Nicola made me feel completely at ease, even when I was talking about sensitive, personal stories. She’s non-judgemental and has a real ability to create a masterpiece from an unstructured jigsaw of material – with a ton of humour to boot. Nicola is incredibly professional and I look forward to working with her again.’

Saskia Swann
author of Above & Beyond: Secrets of a Private Flight Attendant